Welcome to JankenDeck.com!
This is your source for everything there is to know about the Janken Deck, the King's Keys deck, Dark Hand and the new Puzzle deck. This is where to find official game rules, how to play videos, game art and mobile applications.
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The Janken Deck
The Janken Deck uses 5 suits and Rock-Paper-Scissors logic for a fun new twist to your favorite card games and lots of original games too.
Click on the button below to learn how to play with Rock, Paper, Scissors, Water and Lizard!

The King's Keys Deck
The King's Keys Deck is an all new 4x4x4 deck. The four color Kingdoms all have Keys, Axes, Shields and Coins in this unique 64 card deck. Play over 20 original games or invent games of your own!
Click on the button below for game rules and videos for the King's Keys deck!