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This is the art of the Janken Deck. The face cards represent real kings and queens from different parts of the world. Scroll down to see who's who!

Click on the buttons to the right for more art by Jeff Daymont

Janken Deck Rules, Rock Paper Scissors Water Lizard Spock
Janken Deck Card Back Art
Janken Deck Logo
Ace of Rock, Janken Deck
King of Rock, Xerxes of Persia, Janken Deck
Queen of Rock, Queen Rani Durgavati of India, Janken Deck
Jack of Rock, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire, Janken Deck
Joker of Rock, Storyteller Nasreddin Hodja, Janken Deck


King: Xerxes of Persia

Queen: Queen Rani Durgavati of India

Jack: Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire

Joker: Storyteller Nasreddin Hodja

Ace of Paper, Janken Deck
King of Paper, Mansa Musa I of Mali, Janken Deck
Queen of Paper, Nefertiti of Egypt, Janken Deck
Jack of Paper, Hannibal Barca of Carthage, Janken Deck
Joker of Paper, African Trickster god Eshu, Janken Deck


King: Mansa Musa I of Mali

Queen: Nefertiti of Egypt

Jack: Hannibal Barca of Carthage

Joker: African Trickster god Eshu

Ace of Scissors, Janken Deck
King of Scissors, Aztec King Moctezuma II, Janken Deck
Queen of Scissors, Mayan Queen Tz’aakb’u Ahau (The Red Queen), Janken Deck
Jack of Scissors, North America’s Chief Sitting Bull, Janken Deck
Joker of Scissors, Raven, Trickster Spirit of the Pacific NorthWest, Janken Deck


King: Aztec King Moctezuma II

Queen: Mayan Queen Tz’aakb’u Ahau (The Red Queen)

Jack: North America’s Chief Sitting Bull

Joker: Raven, Trickster Spirit of the Pacific NorthWest

Ace of Water, Janken Deck
King of Water, King Kamehameha of Hawaii, Janken Deck
Queen of Water, Pōmare IV of Tahiti, Janken Deck
Jack of Water, King George Tupou I of Tonga, Janken Deck
Joker of Water, Pacific Trickster Demigod Maui, Janken Deck



King: King Kamehameha of Hawaii

Queen: Pōmare IV of Tahiti

Jack: King George Tupou I of Tonga

Joker: Pacific Trickster Demigod Maui

Ace of Lizard, Janken Deck
King of Lizard, Qin Shihuang of China, Janken Deck
Queen of Lizard, Empress Myeongseong of Korea (Queen Min), Janken Deck
Jack of Lizard, Emperor Go-Daigo of Japan, Janken Deck
Joker of Lizard, China’s Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, Janken Deck


King: Qin Shihuang of China

Queen: Empress Myeongseong of Korea (Queen Min)

Jack: Emperor Go-Daigo of Japan

Joker: China’s Sun Wukong, the Monkey King


A mural I created to support the mobile app for Janken Solitaire


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